Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Mahurni's Example of Recommendation letter

To Whom It May Concern:

Mahurni is one of English Department students. I have known him since he took my classes. During the classes and based on the my observation, I would say that he appears himself as a diligent student seen from his current cumulative GPA of 3.72 out of 4.00 which is quite understanding mark.

He is very active in class discussion and presentation; he is also active in asking, analyzing current issues, questioning, and criticizing the topic given to him. His English skill is very good because he always train himself through organization in which can improve his English such as a president in argUMent - English Debating Community and a member of Kan Guru Australia. He also tries to communicate in English with his friends inside and outside the class.

As his lecturer of English Department, I strongly recommend him for this program and I believe after he gets this precious experience of joining this program, he will give good feedbacks to the faculty, his friends as well as to his own society.

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